My dive partner Jerome arranged a trip for us (and my wife) down to Cabo San Lucas for three days of diving.
We selected Manta Diving and I can't recommend their operation enough. They were very accomodating right from the start (when we brought our pony bottles in to be filled) and ran a top notch operation. I can't recommend them enough.
Water temperatures were very similar to the dives I have done in Hawaii. The only real difference was the visibility. Visibility on all of the Cabo dives, while better than home, can't relate to Hawaii. That's not to say the diving was bad - it was great and a lot of fun.
The second dive, also very local, was at Pelican Rock. Similar to the last dive in terms of sealife and visibility.
Jerome did spot a school of swimming manta - but they were much too far away to take any pictures of - they were barely visible with your eyes.