Welcome to Edmonds!

I've been to this site a total of three times - but actually only have dove it twice. (Long story.)

Edmonds is an underwater sanctuary - it's a no take zone and protected. All the life you encounter is safe - no one is supposed to hunt the fish and crab, and you're not supposed to harass any of the animals (not that you would harass them anyway, right?)

Something that divers new to this site that will stand out for them - the size of the fish. The Ling Cods and Cabezons are just H-U-G-E!

This dive is my second official camera dive with the new camera. I'm still working out a few issues, but I overall I'm impressed with the results I got today. The water was very murky at times, and I find it very difficult to take daylight shots in murky water.

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