This is a six-gill shark. See it? Neither do I. I used every trick I had in PhotShop Elements, but wasn't able to salvage any image here. Greg started flashing his light as us, we all swarmed over to where the shark was at, but the shark was moving pretty good through the water. Then it darted out and took off (later found out someone had yanked its tail.) I swam after it, probably never swam so fast in my life, clutching my camera, shining my light, trying to keep an eye on where the shark was going, but eventually I lost it in the darkness of our water. I did get a good look at it though - between six and six and a half feet long, us uneducated marine life experts estimate its weight at around one hundred and fifty pounds. Very shiny silver color - just a really good looking shark there. But damn, no picture. Maybe Greg had better luck with his shots. |