Dive number one hundred and ninety-eight. Can't believe I'm almost up to two hundred logged dives. Tonight was a shop dive at Titlow. Another dive shop from Federal Way also showed up so you knew it was going to be crowded. Buddied up with Tom and Brian - we went down first hoping to avoid everyone else. Vis was pretty bad and we lost track of each other almost immediately. We all continued our dives on our own. I felt pretty good about these pictures until I saw them. You can say I was pretty disappointed, I was also pretty frustrated. Not going to name names, and try not to dwell on it, but I was actually pushed out of the way trying to set up a picture, and not by an inexperienced diver - someone who knows what they're doing and should know better - and who is also a photographer. Just don't see what was accomplished by pushing me out of the way. |